
about project

A mobile application for ordering services of barbers, masseurs, make-up artists and hairdressers

technology stack

Project Overview

Client: Dandalo

Project Type: Mobile App + Backend

Duration of works: 8 months

Launch date: April 2022

Team: developers + 1 tester

Starting assumptions

The client wanted to create a solution for making appointments with barbers. The service is designed to help people in Italian cities make appointments in convenient ways. It is common practice for the barber to come to the client.

The biggest technological difficulties that had to be solved

A potential problem was the integration of Stripe payments. The version of Stripe Connect, that most closely fits the client's business model, does not have as convenient mobile integration as the main Stripe version.

Challenging technology solutions

Booking a schedule is one of the most important elements of the application. It was extremely important to create a convenient search engine for available appointments.

Technologies - details

Flutter, BLOC, Strapi
