Buzly Mobile

about project

Mobile application for current and prospective students of Sacramento State.

technology stack

Project Overview

Client: Buzly Incorporated

Project Type: Mobile App, UI/UX, backend

Duration of works: 3 months

Team: 2 frontend developers, 1 backend developer

Business Context

The client envisioned creating an application that serves as a central hub for students to manage both academic information and social events. The idea was to create an innovative solution that enriches the academic and social lives of current students while easing the acclimatization process for new students, making their transition into the academic world smoother and more engaging. The app was also intended to connect college applicants with the academic community, which would allow them to get acquainted with the community of a particular university and facilitate the acclimatization process.


Our team’s job was to create a user-friendly application that implements key features such as personalized notifications, group creation and membership, streamlined networking, and easy access to university resources.

Key Features

  • personalized notifications
  • ability to join existing groups and create new ones
  • access to important academic resources and campus updates
  • chats
  • user profile personalization
  • multiple feeds (general or selected user)
  • post publishing and interaction



One of the significant challenges we faced was navigating the highly complex structures within the university. The application had to be heavily personalized for each campus, which complicated the development process. This required us to design a flexible and scalable system that could accommodate the unique needs and configurations of multiple campuses, ensuring a tailored experience for all users.


Our team successfully overcame the challenges of developing a highly personalized and scalable application. We created an intuitive platform that effectively manages the complex structures of multiple university campuses. The application provides a seamless user experience, tailored to the specific needs of each campus, enhancing both academic and social engagement.

Technologies - details

React Native, GetStream.io
