Dworek w Bielinach - przewodnik turystyczny

about project

Mobile app to enrich the experience of visiting the Manor House in Bieliny.

technology stack

Project Overview

Client: Gminne Centrum Kultury Ulanów

Project Type: Mobile App, Backend, UX/UI

Duration of works: 4 months

Team: 2 frontend developers, 1 backend developer, 1 UX/UI designer

Business Context

The Bieliny Manor Complex is a cultural and historical landmark that seeks to enhance the visitor experience and promote its unique offerings. With the growing number of tourists and history enthusiasts, management recognized the need to offer an engaging, informative and convenient way to visit. To achieve this, they decided to develop a mobile app that would serve as a digital companion during visits, providing valuable insights and guiding users through the mansion's key attractions.


The main goal was to create a user-friendly mobile application that would allow visitors to explore the Bieliny manor complex on their own, discovering its historical and cultural significance. The app had to be intuitive, information-rich and visually appealing, reaching a diverse audience, from casual tourists to history buffs. In addition, the app should be able to guide visitors through the property, making it easy to find and learn about all the noteworthy elements of the complex.

Key features

  • Home screen
  • List of attractions to see in the Manor Complex
  • Breakdown of attractions into categories
  • Detailed views of each attraction with descriptions, photos and tags
  • Static map view for each attraction
  • Editable calendar with upcoming events
