
about project

An application that enables the collection of medical data for university research.

technology stack

Project Overview

Client: elleFA Inc.

Project Type: Web App, Mobile, Backend

Duration of works: 2,5 months

Launch date: August 2024

Team: 2 frontend developers, 1 backend developer, 1 DevOps, 1 UX/UI, 1 project manager

Business Context

In the fast-growing field of medical research, universities and research institutions are increasingly relying on advanced technology solutions to collect and analyze data. Our client hired us to develop an application to support the collection of medical data for academic research. The application was designed to facilitate the tracking of pain and fatigue parameters crucial to various scientific studies and clinical trials.


The primary requirement was to ensure the highest level of data security. This included implementing robust encryption methods for all incoming data to protect sensitive medical information from unauthorized access and breaches.

Key features

  • Weekly summaries
  • Surveys
  • Data storage and sharing
  • Settings
  • Access to medical history
  • Symptom tracker
  • Secure login and registration



Ensuring the security of user data was a key challenge in this project. Medical data is highly sensitive, and protecting it from unauthorized access is paramount. This is due in part to regulations and the potential legal consequences of a data breach. The team had to deal with complex legal requirements and implement advanced security measures to protect this information, knowing that any security error could result in serious consequences, including lawsuits and significant damage to the client's reputation.


We have successfully developed a full-featured application that meets all project requirements, ensuring both usability and the highest standards of data security.

Technologies - details

React, Next.js, Strapi with custom endpoints, ChakraUI