
about project

Mobile app designed to assist visually impaired people in moving around urban spaces.

technology stack

Project Overview

Client: Gallium

Project Type: Mobile App

Duration of Works: 1,5 months

Launch Date: May 2021

Team: 2 developers


Application's primary purpose is to activate GMark indicators with Bluetooth technology. An active indicator informs visually impaired user about their current position, through audio and light messages.


Key Features

  • Ability to distinguish between indicators, based on MAC ID. This solution has turned out to be quite challenging, considering all the differences between Android and IOS operating systems.
  • Accessible design, focused on simplicity and functionality.
  • Flexibility. Our application is perfect for both Android and IOS users. We used accessibility-dedicated native Android/IOS solutions and adjusted them to work, in spite of significant differences between implementations of each operating system.

Technologies - details

Ionic, Angular, Typescript
