
about project

Cost-effective project management web application.

technology stack

Project Overview


Project Type: Web App, Mobile, Backend

Duration of works: 11 months

Team: 1 full-stack developer, 2 frontend developers, 1 project manager

Business Context

In the highly competitive landscape of project management tools, many established names dominate the market. While industry giants offer robust solutions, they come with a hefty price tag and unintuitive software, making them less accessible to smaller businesses and startups. To address this, our client envisioned a versatile and affordable project management app that could cater to both web and mobile users.


The goal was to offer a solution that not only provided essential project management features but also improved upon the user experience by being more accessible and easier to use.

Key features

  • Calendar integration
  • Task list management
  • Notifications
  • Task reminders
  • Access control and permissions management
  • Recurring tasks and events
  • Deep Google integration
  • Organizational structure and project creation
  • Multiple task views
  • User invitation
  • Free and paid versions
  • Group creation and user management
  • Filtering options
  • Settings personalization
  • Tags
  • Link and people assignment



One of the most significant challenges in this project was achieving deep and comprehensive integration with Google services. Additionally, aligning with Google's API standards and overcoming technical hurdles related to permissions management and data security added layers of complexity to the development process. Despite these challenges, the team successfully implemented a robust integration that improved the overall functionality and user experience of the application.


Technologies - details

Google Workspace, React, Next.js